Shoes// New Look


A few weeks back I headed into newlook because I needed some new simple black cling back heels, (right) and thankfully they had exactly what I was looking for. I didn't want no crazy patters or mix of materials, no lace up ones that strap right round your ankle and stretch up to your thigh! Just simple. Personally I feel that pointed toe shoe's are also a lot more flattering to the leg, especially if you are choosing to brave all and go bare legged in a dress/skirt. Especially for petite.. a nicer word for short girls like me, they elongate the look of the leg instead of cutting it off with a bunt toe line.If i remember correctly I think these came through at £25 labelled but with 20% off. 

I think a plain back court heel is a staple for any girls wardrobe really, I mean I do have a few other pairs myself but because they are so easily reached for they just end up getting scuffed on nights out, damaged in all sorts of weather and just battered really. The only decent looking ones I have left have a heel that are a little too small for my liking recently but thankfully i've got some new ones now. I've really like pairing them with a my black ripped jeans and a plain men's white oversize'd shirt recently and then cinching in my waist with a thick belt or corset style belt.

Also whilst I was in there I spotted these shining rose gold heels, i'm sorry that the flash from my camera gives some backlash so the photos can't do them any justice. I'll just vouch to say they are beautiful. There about a 4 inch heels too and have the same pointed toe look, there's no other detailing on the back just a rose gold plain court shoe for £9. Yes nine pounds, I checked them for scuffs and damages thinking something must be wrong here but I stood corrected. Two pairs of staple shoes for under thirty quid! Thanks for reading,

                                                                                   Jade xxx


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